
Please see the December Parent Calendar so you do not miss any important days or events this month. We have several spirit days during the month of December; here is the link to the Calendar of Spirit Days so you can have your child participate in as many as you choose. 

Winter parties are scheduled for December 16-18 and will last one hour.  RSVPs have gone out and are due 1 week before the event.  This is a busy time of year for families and it is often difficult to take time off from work.  We welcome up to 2 adult guests per student, no younger siblings please, but we truly understand if you cannot get away and want to assure you that your child will have a memorable party. 

Our Breakfast with Santa is Saturday the 7th; RSVPs are due Tuesday, December 3rd.  Please see the flyer for details and sign up for your time slot if you have not done so already while slots remain available.