Student ID Badges School Safety

Chesapeake Public Schools is expanding the Student ID Badge program to include 7th and 8th-grade students. This expansion will enhance safety and efficiency within our school community. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your child wears their ID badge daily.

 Here are the details on what that will look like for our school!

Timeline of Distribution

Our 7th and 8th-grade students will receive their student ID badges during homeroom on Monday, March 10.

About the Student ID Badge & Lanyard

  • Each student will receive their first ID badge and lanyard at no charge.

  • For security purposes, each student will be issued only one badge.

  • Your student can change the lanyard. If you choose to use your own lanyard, please ensure you meet the following minimum requirements: 

    • Breakaway Feature: All lanyards must have a breakaway clasp or connector. This safety feature allows the lanyard to detach if pulled, preventing potential choking or injury.

    • Appropriate Images/Text: Lanyards must display school-appropriate images or text. Lanyards that are deemed inappropriate will need to be replaced by an approved lanyard.

      • Images and text should be free of: Profanity or offensive language, Violence or depictions of weapons, Drug, alcohol, or tobacco references, Imagery or language that promotes discrimination or hate speech, 

      • School-approved logos, team mascots, or positive messages are encouraged!

Student ID Badge Expectations

  • During School Hours: Students are expected to wear their badge at all times.   📍Students who do not have a badge will be issued a temporary badge in the main office. 

  • On the Bus: Students will scan their badge when boarding their bus.
    📍Students without their ID badge at the bus stop will still be permitted to board the bus. Bus drivers will notify the school upon arrival.

  • In the Library & Cafeteria: Students will scan their ID badge to check out library books & purchase school meals.
    📍Students who forget their ID badge at home can manually enter their student number for cafeteria and library transactions.

  • Checking in/Checking out in Attendance: Students will use their ID badge with the KioskVue station when arriving late or leaving early.
    📍Students without an ID badge can manually enter their ID in KioskVue.

  • Consequences of Students Not Having or Wearing Their Badge:

    • 1st Offense: Verbal warning, Temporary Badge issued

    • 2nd Offense: Parent Contact, Temporary Badge issued

    • 3rd Offense: Parent Meeting/ Print New Badge ($5 fee)

    • 4th Offense: Consequences determined by school administration and may including in-school suspension

    • 5th Offense:  ISS and School level Contract

Replacement ID Badges

If a student needs a replacement ID badge, please contact the Hugo Owens Middle main office. The cost is $5.00.

District Webpage

Learn more about the Chesapeake Public School Student ID Badge program by visiting this district webpage
