kindergarten kick off April 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Winter Art Show
Rising 6th grades online scheduling directions!
The graphic reads: "Chesapeake Virtual Academy - Applications Due March 10, 2025"
Celebrating 100% Purple Star Schools with the VDOE Purple Star logo
The graphic reads: "2025-2026 Calendar Approved" on a blue branded background
TOY- Kimberly Holt with administration
Graphic is in Chesapeake Public Schools branded colors and only has text that reads: "All families must complete ONLINE STUDENT VERIFICATION"
The graphic reads: "Virginia Waiver Program for Students with Disabilities" on a blue branded background
Four students in matching Blue Ribbon School T-shirts posing for our celebration.
Mrs. Outlaw, Dr. Cotton, and Dr. Raleys
2023 National Blue Ribbon School: E.W. Chittum Elementary
text reads "REPORT LINE" with graphic of a speech bubble that has an exclamation point. Graphic is in Chespeake branded colors.