Student Arrival Procedures
PK-2 (all students)
Buses will begin arriving at 7:15. Staff will be stationed at the bus loop to unload 3 buses at a time. Staff will also be stationed throughout the hallways to ensure that students arrive at their destination safely.
Parents may begin dropping off students at the front entrance at 7:05. No one will be allowed to walk their students inside the building at this time. There will be a limited number of staff to assist with arrival at this early drop off time. Students will wait in the cafeteria until 7:15. At that time, they will be dismissed to their classrooms. At 7:15, more staff will arrive to assist with parent drop off arrival. CPI and ECSE staff will be in the cafeteria to receive students and remain with them until the class heads to the room together. We are hoping that with starting the parent drop off at 7:05, we will have fewer students arriving tardy. School starts at 7:35.
Parents must only enter the parking lot traveling southbound on Battlefield Blvd. entrance (front entrance of building). ONLY BUSES, DAY CARE VANS, and STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES PARENT TRAFFIC WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER AT FRANK YOUNG AND LENORE TRAIL (BY THE FIRE STATION). Parents of students with special needs must have a red pass. Please see attached map.
Multiple staff will be posted in the front parking lot along the sidewalk to monitor students exiting the cars. Students must exit the car independently on the RIGHT side of the car. Staff may walk to the car to open and close the door when the parent puts the car in park. Parents must remain in their car. Please do not allow students to exit the car past the entrance of the parking lot. Do not allow students to exit the car in the turn lane on Battlefield Blvd. Please move your car along the drop off line as directed by staff.
Staff supported parent drop off will end promptly at 7:35. If you arrive after this time, you must park and walk your child to the front door to sign him/her into the building. Our academic instruction begins at 7:35. It is important that the staff is in classrooms at this time.
Special Education Students and Daycare vans ONLY
Parents of students with certain special needs and daycare vans will enter the parking lot through the Frank Young and Lenore trail entrance (by the fire station) on Battlefield Blvd. Be prepared to present your red bus card/pass to the staff member directing traffic. See attached map.
Students arriving in daycare vans and those with special needs who require extra assistance may be dropped off in the small parent drop off loop. There will be staff stationed to supervise this procedure.
No parents will be allowed to enter the building at this time.
At the drop off site, there will be multiple staff assisting with this process helping with students at the cars and escorting the students into the building.
All students will grab their breakfast off of a cart as they are walking to their classrooms. All students eat lunch and breakfast for free ALL year.
PM Dismissal Procedures
ALL students
All special education students will begin dismissal at 1:55.
General bus dismissal will begin at 2:04. All buses will be departing from the premises by 2:14.
Daycare and YMCA students should be dropped off at their locations by teachers after the bus students are delivered to their buses.
Parent pick up will begin at 2:14 or once all the buses have exited the bus parking lot.
For students being picked up before regular dismissal, parents will need to call the office when arriving and the student will be called to the office at that time. The parent will ring the doorbell to announce they are picking up a student for an appointment.
After 1:55, parents will need to wait to pick up their child in the Parent Pick Up Lane. The student’s name will be added to the Occasional Pick Up list and the student will be called at dismissal at 2:14.
Bus riders will:
Begin dismissal at 2:04.
All pre-scheduled transportation changes must be sent to the teacher in written form in the morning by 9:00 a.m.
All Kindergarten and preschool students must have the 4 card system (with student number and last name) bus card attached to their backpack visible for the driver. This card can be picked up on Supply Drop off Day and during the week before school starts. Remaining cards will be sent home the first day of school.
Buses will be identified by Route numbers NOT bus numbers. When there is a substitute bus, a bus driver might be different but the Route number will never change.
Parent Pick Up Procedures
PK-2 (all students)
Parent Pick Up Lane
We utilize a numbers system to assist with parent pick up at dismissal. It is imperative that you sign up in order to get a GOLDEN ROD number to put in your passenger side window as well as the corresponding student number.
All changes to dismissal must be made by 1:30 via a note to the teacher, email, or phone call. Parents must identify who is authorized to pick up their child. This person must present a picture identification at the time of pick up. All information will be crossed checked for custody issues and court orders.
All students (everyday pick up and occasional) will be picked up via the parent Parent Pick Up Lane - entrance located at the front of the building traveling southbound on Battlefield. Please see the map attached.
All parents must have a GOLDEN ROD number card with a corresponding student number in the passenger side window. Please click here to sign up.
All parent pickup students must have the GOLDEN ROD card with a corresponding number attached to their backpack.
The parent pick up lane will open at 1:55 for cars to start lining up. Do not come earlier. Traffic MUST not back up into Battlefield Blvd. This is to prevent cars from backing up into Battlefield Blvd and causing traffic accidents.
When in the parent pick up line, please pull forward as directed by staff.
Students will be assisted on the right side of the car only.
If you need to assist your child with buckling the seatbelt, please pull in a center lane of the bus ramp.
Parents may choose to walk up to the building for parent pick up. The line forms outside of the gymnasium door. Releasing students to parents in cars will be a priority due to traffic issues.
If your child is going to be picked up occasionally, for convenience, sign up for a parent pick up number. If the student does not have a number, please be prepared to show a valid ID. Staff will verify parent/guardian information. While waiting for your ID to be verified, please pull in the lane reserved for ID checks.
All parents picking up students will use the Parent Pick Up Lane. If you do not have a GOLDEN ROD parent pick up card on the first day of school, your name will be added to the list and cards will be ready within 24 hours. When you arrive, you must present a picture ID if you do not have your cards. We will be checking our computer system for who is authorized to pick up your child. Please be patient. This process will take time. The process will speed up as more cards are issued. Prepare to wait the first week of school.