Mobile Applications
The district recommends the following mobile apps for families to stay informed and connected with their student's progress and their school.

Why do you need this app?
With our app, you can access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications! You can also customize the app to follow your student's school!
Customize the app to follow your school!
Families who have the CPSCHOOLSVA App are the first to know! Get push notifications on school and district news and important reminders!
You must activate notifications and choose which schools you want to follow. If you want to get our emergency push notifications and other district reminders and notices, make sure you allow notifications from Chesapeake Public Schools.
Download our free app today!

Why do you need this app?
ParentVUE provides secure access to your student's grades, report cards, attendance and more! Your login username and password will grant you access to both the mobile applications and the web-based portals. For more support adding the ParentVUE app to your personal device, read our ParentVUE & StudentVUE Mobile App help document.
Download for Android: ParentVUE App StudentVUE App
Download for iPhone: ParentVUE App StudentVUE App