1021 Great Bridge Blvd.,Suite 108
Chesapeake, VA 23320
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Community Eligibility Provision
What is the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)?
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) allows eligible schools to provide breakfast and lunch to all enrolled students at no cost. Meal benefit applications do not need to be submitted at CEP schools, allowing more students to access nutritious meals and reducing paperwork for parents and staff.
We are excited to announce that Chesapeake Public Schools now has 31 schools that fall under CEP. This provision allows all students enrolled at those schools to receive breakfast and lunch meals at no cost without having to submit a meal application. Current CEP schools are listed below.
BM Williams Primary
Camelot Elementary
Carver Intermediate
Chesapeake Center for Student Success (CCSS)
Crestwood Intermediate
Crestwood Middle
Deep Creek Elementary
Deep Creek Middle
Deep Creek High
Georgetown Primary
Great Bridge SECEP
Greenbrier Primary
Greenbrier Intermediate
Greenbrier Middle
Indian River High
Indian River Middle
Jolliff Middle
Norfolk Highlands Primary
Oscar Smith High
Oscar Smith Middle
Portlock Primary
Rena B Wright Primary
Southwestern Elementary
Sparrow Road Intermediate
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
Treakle Elementary
Truitt Intermediate
Western Branch Intermediate
Western Branch Primary
Western Branch Middle
Western Branch High
If there are other students in your household that do not attend these schools, you will still need to submit a meal benefit application for them to receive free or reduced-price meal benefits unless you have been notified by our department that you do not need to submit an application.