Air Force JROTC

The Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training curriculum includes instruction which emphasizes self-discipline, citizenship, patriotism, leadership, and instruction in aerospace science. Each AFJROTC unit has an organizational structure that is administered and operated by students. Cadets participate in academic, athletic, and military competition at the local, state, and national levels.

Western Branch High School Air Force JROTC

Virginia 062 Air Force JROTC unit was established in 1972 at Western Branch High School in Chesapeake Virginia. The VA-062 has an average enrollment of 120 cadets, with a rank structure from cadet Airman to cadet Colonel. The unit is very active in its home community where it participates in many events including visits to the vet hospital, Bruin Drive Clean Up, home coming parade, and Veterans Day. The squadron also has after school activities:

  • Honor Guard

  • Color Guard

  • Saber Team

  • Drill Teams

  • Orienteering

  • Obstacle Course

  • Military Ball

Air Force JROTC Instructors Bryan Spalla, Col, USAF (Ret) and Chief Tommy Smith


The Air Force Junior ROTC Aerospace Science program is designed to build better citizens, strengthen character, and acquaint cadets with the Aerospace age, careers in military and most importantly, it will emphasize the skills necessary for leadership-confidence, responsibility and self-discipline. The programs purpose is to install in students in the United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.

The goals of the J.R.O.T.C are:

  • Promote patriotism

  • Develop informed and responsible citizens

  • Develop habits of orderliness and respect for authority

  • Develop self-reliance, discipline, and leadership

  • Develop awareness and detailed understanding about aerospace and security

  • Develop awareness and understanding of the basic elements of the military and national security

  • Develop respect for the needs for continued authority in a democratic society

The program includes:

  • Classroom academic studies

  • Team building/ leadership opportunities

  • Intramural competition

  • Field trips and drill competitions

What AFJROTC does not do:

  • Require a service obligation

  • Recruit combat skills training

Benefits for school:

  • Increased attendance

  • Higher graduation rate

  • New curriculum opportunity

  • Reduced gang involvement

  • Decreased discipline problems

  • Student leadership development

  • Increased parental involvement

  • General military awareness

  • Nationwide support network

Benefits for student:

  • Credits for graduation

  • Opportunity to participate on different teams and in varied leadership positions

  • Mentoring relationship with the instructors

  • Increased scholarship/service academy opportunities

  • Increased student self-esteem

  • Opportunity for field trips

  • Benefits and advanced enlistment opportunities for those who desire to join the military


  • Academic credit for course work

  • Classroom space, storage and drill areas

  • Partial salary/benefits


  • Educational/audiovisual material

  • Books, curriculum guides, note taking guides

  • Unit support and maintenance funds

  • Honor Guard and drill team equipment

  • Field trip opportunities

  • Qualified instructor applicants

  • Partial salary reimbursement

AFJROTC Curriculum

The success of the AFJROTC program lies in its progressive and academically sound curriculum and the numerous extra-curricular activities AFJROTC offers students. The curriculum is two part: aerospace studies and leadership/life skills education. Host schools may elect to emphasize either portion of this curriculum based upon the needs of the students. Aerospace Studies: The first year covers the history and development of flight and military aerospace policies. The second year includes the science of flight and the requirements for human flight. Rocketry, space vehicles, and the exploration of space are covered in the third year. The fourth year includes: Management of the Cadet Corps and Survival.

Curriculum Summary

  • Emphasizing Aerospace Studies

  • Leadership/Life-Skills Education. Leadership education is emphasized each year. An emphasis is placed on the development of life-skills while exposing cadets to opportunities to learn and practice basic leadership. The leadership/life-skills course work helps prepare cadets for positions in any career. Classes provide cadets with a basic knowledge of military customs and courtesies, military organization and principles of leadership, flag etiquette, drill and ceremony.

  • Emphasizing Leadership and Life-skills

Extracurricular activities and opportunities are an important part of AFJROTC. Cadets participate in drill meets, orienteering, obstacle courses, and community service. AFJROTC does not engage in marksmanship training or teach individual combat skills.

Career-minded high school students will learn about jobs in aerospace industry and the Air Force that will open important opportunities for the future. High school students who complete the aerospace science program in Air Force Junior ROTC may be able to enter the Military at higher pay grades than most enlistees. Also, AFJROTC cadets will be prepared to work in an expanding technological world — in the Air Force or as a civilian.

College bound students can compete for an Air Force Academy nomination or an Air Force ROTC scholarship through their Air Force Junior ROTC unit. Or, they may receive credit for the first year of an Air Force ROTC four-year college program— plus, free uniforms, insignia and ROTC textbooks. They may also receive priority processing when entering the Air Force if they win the Congressman Herbert Advanced Placement Award.

The Aerospace Science program in our school recently consists of four flights. They are the “A” flight, “B” Flight, “C” Flight, and the “D” Flight. The A, B, and C flights are classes while the D flight is made up of the students that are not currently in class but enrolled in the JROTC program and participating in our after school activities / drill teams.