
Music Department

  Click on this link for exciting information about the Music Department at OSMS! OSMS Music Brochure

Band – Email Mr. Gaines

Chorus – Email Mrs. David

Orchestra – Email Mr. Pezzulich

Oscar Smith Middle School offers three music electives.  They are band, orchestra, and chorus.  These are performing classes.

Requirement for Performance Attendance by Secondary Music Students

Music is a “performing art.”  With this in mind, the office of Music Education of the Chesapeake Public Schools has developed its curriculum for secondary band, orchestra, and chorus with public performances as a vital element of each course.  Students, as a part of the requirements for completion of these courses, are expected to participate in a number of group performances.

Band, chorus, and orchestra classes allow the schools to offer music experiences to a much larger number of students than would otherwise be possible if we offered only academic music instruction (music appreciation, music theory, etc.)  Quality group activities are also an excellent way to develop a child’s personal responsibility, as each student’s attendance and participation are vitally important to the overall quality of performance of the group.  Concerts, festivals, and other performance activities enhance student, school, and community life.  These performances also “showcase” skills learned in daily classes and give each student an opportunity to exhibit his or her special musical talent.

With these considerations in mind, the Chesapeake Public School administration has developed the following guidelines for grading students in performance-based music courses in both middle and high schools:

1.  Students are required to attend any scheduled performance approved by the school principal.  Adequate notice (two weeks or longer) of performance dates will be provided.

2.  Excuses for an absence must be submitted by the parent in writing and approved by the student’s principal or designee and music teacher prior to the performance.  In the event of an emergency situation, a written note stating the reason for the unexpected absence must be submitted by the parent for approval by the principal and music teacher on the next day.  Make-up work for an excused absence will be assigned according to the individual school policy.

3.  An unexcused absence from a performance will result in the nine-week grade being lowered.

4.  An unexcused absence will be determined by the regular school policy concerning attendance.

It is hoped that parents will not only emphasize to the student the importance of performance attendance, but will also support the student by attending as many performances as possible.