Winter Art Show
Black History Month
The graphic reads: "Winter Growth Assessments"
The graphic reads: "Chesapeake Virtual Academy - Applications Due March 10, 2025"
Celebrating 100% Purple Star Schools with the VDOE Purple Star logo
The graphic reads: "2025-2026 Calendar Approved" on a blue branded background
School Emergency Preparedness
barksdale photo fall picture day order information
virtual meet and greet Friday, August 30
School Meal Updates for Community Eligibility Provision Schools
Graphic is in Chesapeake Public Schools branded colors and only has text that reads: "All families must complete ONLINE STUDENT VERIFICATION"
transformation updates
announcement for 2024-2025  school supply lists
Mrs. Nolette assistant principal week
The graphic reads "School Safety Forums - March 20 at Indian River High and May 22 at Western Branch High
family fun and fitness night
100 days collage
virutal art show
The graphic reads: "Virginia Waiver Program for Students with Disabilities" on a blue branded background
reminder end of second marking period