Academic Honor Roll
There are three levels of Honor Roll Recognition:
Superintendent's List (All A's)
Principal's Honor Roll (A's and B's) - a student must receive all A's and one B.
Honor Roll (A's, B's, and 1 C+) - a student must have at least 1 A to offset the C+. Only one C+ is allowed. The other grades must be A's and B's.
Progress Reports
Report Cards are issued in ParentVue at the end of each nine weeks grading period. Interim reports will be emailed to parent(s)/guardian(s) at the midpoint of each grading period. Student informational folders will go home weekly with student work papers included. Parents should review the papers and other information, sign the folders and return them the next school day.
Make-Up Assignments
Students may complete make-up work when they are absent. However, teachers must be given 24 hours to prepare the assignments.