World Languages

Chesapeake Public School students in grades 8-12 may elect to study any one of four world languages, French, German, Latin, or Spanish. Various combinations of languages are in different schools depending upon student interest. Six years of each language is made available to students.

A student has the option of taking an Advanced Placement course after the fifth year of study for each respective language. In addition, an Advanced Conversation and Grammar class is offered in French and Spanish.

In order for a student to receive an Advanced Studies Diploma, three years of one language or two years each of two different languages must be taken.

Students in grade 6 have an opportunity to explore the study of French and Spanish through the nine-week World Language Exploratory (FLEX) program. The FLEX program is also currently available as a semester elective in grade 7.

The summer World Language in the Elementary School (FLES) program has added richly to the study of a world language in Chesapeake for over twenty years. The FLES Program employs language teachers at various elementary schools throughout the city. The program is limited to students in the third, fourth and fifth grades, recommended by their teachers. Students have embraced the program wholeheartedly. The FLES teachers have found the elementary students to be receptive and enthusiastic about learning a language, and parents have applauded their children’s positive responses to an academic subject.

In February of 2014, the Virginia Board of Education adopted revised Standards of Learning for world language study. The World Language Standards of Learning identify essential content, processes, and skills for each level of language learning in Virginia’s secondary schools. There are specific standards for French, German, Latin, and Spanish, Levels I-IV, as well as general Modern World Language Standards adoptable for courses in other modern languages. The Standards of Learning set reasonable targets and expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of each language course offered for a standard unit of credit.

The Standards of Learning are intended to provide a framework from which school divisions may develop local curricula. The standards do not encompass the entire curriculum for a given course or prescribe how the content should be taught. The concepts and structures for each level are presented in a spiraling fashion that allows them to be re-introduced with increasing complexity at various stages of language development.

Knowledge and skills that students acquire in their language classes will reinforce and expand their learning in other subject areas, enable them to interact effectively with others, and give them increased access to information across the world.


School Administration Building
1421 Kristina Way,
Chesapeake, VA, 23320.

Phone: 757-547-0153

Supervisor of World Languages:
Mrs. Alexandria Taylor
Email Alexandria Taylor

Parent/Student Links

Seal of Biliteracy (Virginia Dept. of Education information on the Seal.)
For the 2015-16 school year, Chesapeake Public Schools has chosen the following criteria for awarding the Seal of Biliteracy.
–Earn a Board of Education approved diploma and
–Pass all required End-of-Course Assessments in English reading and writing at the proficient or higher level and
–Pass a world language Advanced Placement examination with a score of 3 or higher or an International Baccalaureate examination with a score of 4 or higher, or
–SAT II (Latin only – full test) with a minimum score of 600 or the National Latin Exam (full test) with a minimum score of Level 4: Silver/Level 5-6: Cum Laude.
Other test options will be considered for the 2016-17 school year.

Students wishing to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy should complete the application form(Biliteracy Seal Student Application). Please contact Curriculum & Instruction for this form.  Applicants should attach their scores to the application and submit the application and scores to their guidance counselors.  Scores from AP and IB tests are usually not available until after graduation.  If an applicant’s score meets the requirements for the Biliteracy Seal, the applicant will be contacted by the school guidance office.  A seal will be provided for the applicant to add to the diploma.

Virginia Standard of Learning in World Language The standards for World Language students in Virginia.

French The Most Practical World Language The importance of learning French is presented using facts and figures.

Institute for German as a World Language Home page of the Institute for German as a world language at the University of Heidelberg. Description of the graduate programmed as well as on research at the institute.

Foreign Languages for Teachers
Our Award-Winning World Languages for Travelers site teaches the very basics of over 70 languages!

Why Study French
While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some regions, French is the only world language that can be useful throughout the world as well as in the United States.

National Foreign Language Resource Centers Funded by U.S.D.O.E. Award # P229A990015. All contents copyrighted 8 2000 National K-12 World Language Resource Center N131 Lagomarcino Hall Iowa State University Ames, Iowa.

Lead With Languages
A website promoting the value of  learning a world language in today’s multicultural world.