Title I Division Parent Advisory Council
What is the purpose of the Title I Division Parent Advisory Council?
Our Title I program serves schools with high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure children are successful in achieving state academic standards. The Title I Division Parent Advisory Council works to develop a partnership between our Title I schools, parents, and community. It serves as a framework to assist parents in the education of their children. To review a current list of our Title I schools, please visit our Federal Programs webpage.
Who can join Title I Division Parent Advisory Council?
We welcome interested parents to engage and support the efforts of the Title I Division Parent Advisory Council and encourage the selection of at least two parent representatives from each Title I school. When possible, membership will be representative of the following stakeholders-
economically disadvantaged
English Language Learner (ELL) and/or limited literacy
any racial or ethnic minority background
How can I serve on the Title I Division Parent Advisory Council?
Individuals who wish to serve on the Title I Division Parent Advisory Council must apply online through the district Citizen Advisory Council application process. The applications are due annually by May 1.
Title 1 Division Parent Advisory Council Meeting Schedule & Membership
The council will meet 3 times per year. Dates will be determined.