Division of Technology Innovation

The Chesapeake Public Schools Division of Technology Innovation employs highly qualified technicians, administration, and staff to provide support to our schools and departments. The Division of Technology Innovation takes pride in its service to more than 45 schools and 50 departments year-round. All of the schools in our system are networked with a state-of-the-art high-speed Internet connection to provide instant learning resources for students.

Supports We Provide

  • Build and maintain an advanced and reliable suite of technology for the benefit of all district stakeholders, including network, wireless, software applications, systems integration, data and reporting

  • Prioritize data security for our students and staff

  • Promote accessible and effective use of technology in our classrooms

  • Advocate for fulfilling technology needs across the district

Student 1:1 Devices

Chesapeake Public Schools (CPS) is providing a Chromebook with charger (herein referred to as “device”), and in some cases a wireless hotspot to CPS students for use during this academic school year. Learn more about our 1:1 Student Devices.


We use the OneLogin service to provide a single login for students and staff to access district platforms, applications, and Google Workspace services. Students and staff can access OneLogin using a web browser. Technical support resources for OneLogin are available for students and their families.


Division of Technology Innovation
Educational Services Center
369 S Battlefield Blvd
Chesapeake, VA 23322

Phone: 757-482-5635

Chief Technology Innovation Officer
Dr. Jeff Faust