Technical Support

CPS Help Desk

The CPS Help Desk assists all staff, students, and parents of Virginia's Chesapeake Public Schools District with their technology questions and requests.


What Is Parentvue/Studentvue?


ParentVUE is a secure web-based information management system that provides parents/guardians the ability to view their child’s assignments, grades, attendance and contact information. ParentVUE is free to all Chesapeake Public Schools families and is available from any computer with internet access. In addition, ParentVUE offers app access for Android and iPhone devices. Students can access the same information via their StudentVUE account.

How Can I Access Parentvue?

When a parent registers their student(s) via Student Online Registration, their ParentVue account is automatically created at the beginning of that process. If a current CPS parent has never created a ParentVue account, they should click "Request Account Activation" to get a new activation code to create their account. A help document, with screenshots and directions, is available below!

Additional Activation Keys for ParentVUE

Parents can request an additional activation key from the child’s school to create additional accounts linked to a student. This will allow each parent a unique activation key that is linked to all of their students. Parents with more than one child enrolled in Chesapeake Public Schools can manage all of their students from their ParentVUE account.

Where Do I Access My Parentvue Account?

The following graphic links provide access to our district login pages for both ParentVUE and StudentVUE:


A ParentVUE account will provide real-time, view-only access to their student’s attendance information, class schedule, grades, missing assignments, and important district information.
In addition to view-only access, there are several interactive features available on our ParentVUE platform. Parents can report absences and tardies up to seven days in advance with their ParentVUE account. Parents can also register students, annually verify current information (phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc), and complete other official district documents within their account on either the web-based platform or the app.

What Should I Do If I Lose My Parent Activation Key?

If you don’t have or have lost your activation key for ParentVUE, click "Request Account Activation" to get a new activation code create an account. If you need assistance with creating your ParentVUE account, please contact your child’s school.

Can I Access Parentvue On A Mobile Device?

Mobile applications for iOS and Android devices are available for students via StudentVUE and ParentVUE for parents. Your login username and password will grant you access to both the mobile applications and the web-based portals. For more support adding the  ParentVUE app to your personal device, read our ParentVUE & StudentVUE Mobile App help document.

How Does My Student Access Studentvue?

Students are automatically issued StudentVUE accounts by their assigned school during the class enrollment process (managed by Synergy). Students will not have to create an account – they will log into StudentVUE with their OneLogin account.