Student 1:1 Devices

Chesapeake Public Schools (CPS) is providing a Chromebook with charger (herein referred to as “device”), and in some cases a wireless hotspot to CPS students for use during this academic school year. The device is to be used to support instruction and in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Students are expected to use the CPS-issued device since they are configured to ensure access to all CPS instructional resources and as a division, we no longer need to supplement device access with BYOD devices.

Students in grades 4-12 must acknowledge receipt of the device by completing the digital Student Loan Agreement 2021 upon distribution. Students who do not provide a completed Student Loan Agreement will not be issued a CPS Chromebook to take to and from school. K-3 students will not be assigned devices to take home but will have access to a device in their classrooms and will not need a loan agreement completed in most cases.

Students in grades 4-12 will be responsible for charging their devices each evening for use at school daily.  Chargers should be left at home.  For more information on chromebooks, please visit our Help Desk articles.  Specific links are below.