School Health Advisory Board
Mission Statement
The School Health Advisory Board for Chesapeake Public Schools will serve as an advocate for a comprehensive school health program to protect and promote the health and well being of students and school personnel.
The School Health Advisory Board is comprised of members of the healthcare community who work with the school community in meeting the healthcare needs of our students. They represent various organizations, hold positions in state and national professional organizations, and are kept apprised of evolving guidelines and recommendations related to pediatric and adult care, as well as ongoing, school-related policies and procedures. Members include those who hold key positions within Chesapeake Public Schools and the City of Chesapeake, as well as community volunteers or key opinion leaders in the health services industry who expressed an interest in getting involved or were invited to participate.
Advisory Board Functions
Assist the policy-making authority by recommending relevant policies for specific programs.
Assist in determining the need for new programs.
Help mobilize the community leadership for activities sponsored organization.
Provide a talent pool form which to draw future governing board or program volunteers ensuring the stability of the organization within the community.
Assist in improving public relations through linkage with civic, business, and other community representatives.
Provide technical assistance on matters outside the organization’s (CPS) competencies.
Provide additional and possibly more objective sources for evaluating programs and policies.
Resources and Links
Please send your questions and feedback for our SHAB group using this online contact form. This team meets quarterly to review health information for Chesapeake Public Schools and provide recommendations to the Superintendent and his leadership team. When a question is asked, please expect a reply after the next SHAB meeting. Your question or comment will be reviewed at that time.