In Our Sky
2024 Sky Calendar
Solar Eclipses
2024 Solar Eclipses
A total solar eclipse occurred across the United States on April 8, 2024. This cosmic event was viewed by millions of people. A solar eclipse occurs when the New Moon aligns perfectly with the Sun and the Moon’s shadow touches the Earth. The Moon’s shadow first touched North America on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Shadow was traveling over 1600 miles per hour as it raced towards the United States at the Texas border. It crossed multiple states passing close to Virginia and exited over the North Atlantic in New England.
The darkest part of the Moon’s shadow, the umbra, did not cross Virginia but the outer shadow, the penumbra, will cover all of the east coast. Those who placed themselves in the path of totality witnessed a total solar eclipse, one of nature’s greatest celestial events.
Eclipse Safety
Do not look at the Sun without proper solar filters. Use only filters designed for solar viewing or serious damage to your eyes will occur. Safe solar filter glasses will be available in the Tidewater area through local astronomy clubs.

Past Solar Eclipses
Celestial Events
April 8 - Solar Eclipse
August 12-13 - Perseid Meteor Shower
October 21 - Orionid Meteor Shower
November 18 - Leonid Meteor Shower
December 13-14 - Geminid Meteor Shower
Other Information