Academic Planning for Families: High School
Block Scheduling
The following excerpt is found on page 21 of the High School Course Catalog:
High schools are using the 4 x 4 semester plan. In the 4 x 4 semester plan, the school day is divided into four instructional blocks approximately 90 minutes each and the school year is divided into two semesters. During the first semester, students are enrolled in four courses that meet daily. At the end of the first term, students receive one credit for each course successfully completed and enroll in four additional courses for the second semester. In this scheduling arrangement, it is possible to earn thirty-two credits in four years without attending summer school. Freshman, sophomores, and juniors must take four courses/credits each semester. With the approval of the principal, seniors may have the option of taking three courses per semester. However, most colleges want a vigorous course of study; therefore, seniors are encouraged to continue taking four courses each semester. No student should be allowed to enroll in more than eight credit-bearing courses during the school year. Exceptions should only be considered for seniors who may need additional credits in order to meet graduation requirements.
Graduation Requirements for First-Time Transfers Into a Virginia Public High School
The following excerpt is found on page 16 of the High School Course Catalog:
Graduation requirements – in compliance with 8VAC 20-131-60 – for a student transferring into a Virginia public school for the first time in grades 9-12, depends on the grade the student is transferring into and when in the school year the student is transferring.
A student is considered to have transferred:
● at the beginning of the school year if 20 or fewer hours of instruction have been completed.
● during the school year if more than 20 hours of instruction has been completed.
Requirements for First-time Transfers to a Virginia Public School by Grade Level and School Year Overview are summarized in a table on pages 16-19 of the High School Course Catalog.
Graduation Requirements/Types of Diplomas/Diploma Seals
The following excerpt is found on page 7 of the High School Course Catalog:
The Virginia Board of Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia establishes graduation requirements for all Virginia public schools. The Board of Education of the Chesapeake Public Schools maintains its graduation requirements based on regulations set by the Virginia Board of Education (8 VAC 20-131-51-et.seq.)
To receive a high school diploma, students must meet the requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma or the Standard Diploma, which became effective when the student enters ninth grade for the first time. An Applied Studies Diploma is awarded to students with disabilities who complete the requirements of their individualized education plan (IEP). A Certificate of Program Completion is awarded to students who successfully complete all academic coursework (standard units of credit) required for either the advanced studies or standard diploma, but who need to continue earning the required verified credits. Through elective choices, students have the opportunity to design a course of study that best prepares them for different goals. Students are encouraged to consider both educational and career goals in selecting courses. An unofficial transcript will be made available to all students during the scheduling process each year. With the help of this record, students, parents or guardians, and counselors can provide assistance in the course selections process to ensure specific graduation requirements are met.
A list of requirements students must fulfill in order to receive a diploma and graduate from a Chesapeake City Public School is available on page 8 of the High School Course Catalog.