
Ms. Brinkley

LaRhonda Brinkley, Guidance Director

Preparing Students for College and Careers

The Chesapeake Career Center welcomes you to an exciting and productive school year!

CCC programs in the Health, Emergency & Medical Field and Trade & Industrial Education can provide high school students with the opportunity for successful entry into the workforce or post-secondary institutions. 

Courses at CCC are competency based which includes theory, industry hands-on job skills and workplaces readiness training. Industry certifications for programs at CCC may be obtained pending successful completion of programs and passing related exams.

High school students will soon become a vital part of the nation’s workforce.  Programs at CCC provide students with incredible opportunities for a sound future.

You are invited to look into our programs and learn more about what is offered at the Chesapeake Career Center!

Counselor Corner - March

Scholarship Season!!!! It’s my favorite time of year! I love to help students and families find money! I have included the link to the CCC scholarship website. This website is updated weekly as new scholarships arrive. Please note that many of these scholarships are not just for college going students! Many are for ANY student going into their trade program! This opens up opportunities for many students to have financial opportunities to enter the workforce with financial support. Scholarships are FREE and do NOT have to be paid back. Please check the website often and apply. Spring break is a great time to apply, apply, apply!

Click here to schedule an appointment to meet with me!

Don't let absences add up